resonance, unending
Pei-Yao Chang & Christina Tai
Duo Exhibition
Space Moor Gallery /
Zhengbin Harbour Museum of Art,
Keelung, Taiwan
20-28 April, 2024
Currents flow ceaselessly into the ocean, our eternal yearning and interrogation of the
boundless horizon stretch endlessly beyond the here and now.
“Resonance, Unending” originated from a journey of two practitioners to the seaside town
of Margate. Its coastline has inspired countless artists to transform sensory experiences
into creations, leaving traces that traverse time and space. Seeking to comprehend this
unutterable perceptual experiences, they explore ideas through respective interpretations
and different mediums and techniques, anchored by the aesthetic concept of the 'Sublime'
as the curatorial axis of this exhibition. By intertwining perspectives and works, they aim
to open up an infinite dialogue with the viewers.
Kant proposed the philosophical concept of the 'Sublime,' describing it as an experience of
awe and frustration when facing something beyond our control or understanding. It
involves transforming the negative feeling of limitation into a positive harvest.1 This
concept articulates humanity's awareness of its own insignificance and mediocrity in the
face of grand natural phenomena. Our bodies may perish, but the sensory experiences
encapsulated in artworks can transcend time.
This exhibition aims to juxtapose and articulate the collision and tension between individual consciousnesses, as the two artists deconstruct and express their shared experiences
and reflections through artistic research. Returning to their familiar land in Taiwan, they
reset their works beside another ocean, hoping to stimulate an ongoing dialogue that
echoes endlessly through different people, times, and spaces.
1 Morley, S. and Whitechapel Art Gallery (2010). The sublime. London: Whitechapel Gallery, pp.15-16.

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Seascape III-V (Margate)
Oil on found panel
23 x 10 x 0.1 cm
(from the series of The Sublime, After All)
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Margate, 22FEB23
moving image, 1 min, looped
*watch full moving image link here:
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mixed media, watercolour
135 x 210 x 15 mm
A log of Artist in Residence at Space Moor Gallery, Zhengbin Harbour Museum of Art in Keelung, Taiwan, in April 2024.
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Shimmering in Your Sphere 01-04
Charcoal and Charcoal Pencils on Paper
285 x 210 mm
details link ‘shimmering in your sphere’.
*photo credit : Zhengbin Art 星濱山工作室